Monday, September 24, 2012

On the subject of peer pressure

It's story time guys!

Let me start by saying that my dad is a weird guy sometimes. 

When I came home from swimming today, I had that weird feeling in my stomach of being hungry and not hungry at the same time. After eating two bites of steak, I was stuffed. Multiply that number by a thousand and you get my usual daily consumption of meat... And other good food. When asked why I was displaying such unusual behavior, I remembered that after practice, I had stuffed approximately five homemade chocolate chip cookies in my mouth before running off into the freezing cold locker room. Maybe it was six. I don't know, the whole thing blurred in the midst of the sugar rush. 

I started talking with my dad about it, arguing that of course I stuffed a pile of cookies into my mouth; I had no choice! They were just so deliciously tempting...

My exact statement (kind of): "_____ brought cookies and everyone was eating them, so..."

His immediate reaction: "If one of your friends brought a bunch of marijuana and everyone was smoking it, does that mean you do too?"

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