Sunday, September 16, 2012

Procrastination nation

I'm a big fan of TV shows. There's an odd mix of them, but enough to make most people think I have way too much free time on my hands. Wrong- it's just a very good use of time while procrastinating.

A little above my head to the left, there are two sheets of paper taped to my wall. Posters were too mainstream (har har). On these pieces of plain white paper are ten tips from my hero Joss Whedon, describing what to do or what not to do in order to be a successful screenwriter. In other words, common sense is taped to my wall. For any of you fellow writers out there, here's a link:

Back to procrastination. Here's a list: Firefly, Dollhouse, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Bones, The Vampire Diaries. There. My six obsessions in life (among many other non-film things don't worry). Before we start getting judgey on the whole vampire thing, don't worry- Twilight didn't make my top 1,000 movies. I don't think I've watched 1,000 movies in my life. But I unfortunately (or fortunately) have been caught in the frenzy for vampires on television. Allow me to explain: I'm weird. All done.

Looking at more and more movies, I have come to realize why TV shows are so much more awesome in my mind. Movies, according to critics and film buffs, are an art form, where different images come together to make one quick story filled with emotion brought about in whatever wacky way possible. TV shows on the other hand are about the storyline, character development... And other stuff I'd much rather obsess over. Don't get me wrong, movies are awesome (although Un Chien Andalou made my mind explode), but it's like being asked the question, "Which is your favorite? Red M&Ms or yellow M&Ms?" Unless you've got some wacky problem with the color yellow. I digress yet again.

Please watch these clips of bloopers. They make me so happy and you don't even need to know what's going on! Though if you're at all confused, I have the perfect solution: watch the show.

His face...

If nothing else, watch starting at 1:23. Please.

I can too don't you worry

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