Saturday, September 22, 2012

Just finish it!!

The world has a chronic case of cancellations of cool cinema. There, how's that for alliteration? But seriously, the world of television is leaving me on the edge of my seat and biting my nails only to tell me... SHOW CANCELLED??? NO.

Here's one more list for y'all:
Kyle XY

The longest-running show among these is Kyle XY, which cranked out a grand total of three seasons before ending it with THE BIGGEST REVELATION YET... Only to have it cancelled. Not ok, ABC Family. I must admit, the show had some awkward acting moments and drawn out episodes, but the plot? The entire concept as a whole? Me likey. Unfortunately, the only thing to "satisfy" my curiosity about what would've come in the fourth season is a little "wrap-up" titled "Kyle XY: Future Revealed," which would've been ok had it not been so... Incredibly... Vague. "Oh yeah, we were thinking of developing this character here- would've been fun to see how that played out in the fourth season!" LADY THERE IS NO FOURTH SEASON YER KILLIN' ME. (Not an actual quote, just me imitating her) And no worries, Julie Plec definitely redeemed herself by starting up The Vampire Diaries.

Don't worry I'm not usually this ranty.

Next up: Ringer. Thank you, Sarah Michelle Gellar, for showing your face on television again. The acting in that show was superb (and I really never say superb) and I think that may have been one of the main reasons this show was awesome. Maybe that was one of the reasons it didn't really last long... At least the cliffhanger at the end was much more of an actual ending than in Kyle XY.

I think I've watched Dollhouse way too many times. And yet, it's just as awesome every single time, especially the "Epitaph" episodes. I seriously do not cry for many movies which sometimes makes me feel like a heartless soulless person (LIKE THE SLENDER MAN), but nevertheless, I cried during the last episode of the second season. God I love the characters in that show. *SPOILER ALERT* I just get chills every time I see Topher break down in "Epitaph One." Apparently Joss would've made the relationship between Dewitt and Topher more interesting in upcoming seasons (in a motherly/son kind of way you sickos), and that is probably one of the main reasons I get all sad whenever I see no number 3 when selecting the season on Netflix.

I think the least painful (only in some senses) was the cancellation of Firefly. Eeeeeveryone gets upset over it, but I won't, because Serenity was made to save the day, and Joss Whedon should get major props for bringing the whole team back together again. As a mini-amateur-kind-of-filmmaker, it's hard enough getting a few people together for just a freakin' scene, so for a whole movie? If you've watched the bloopers I guess I can see why they would come back. All they do is goof around, I swear.

I guess it's ok that it got cancelled since it was so darn expensive to make... Just kidding, it will never be ok. It is so obvious that everyone is pissed at Fox... I love it.

If you're lazy, go from 2:00, but that's just lame

I actually started this post because I was frustrated that Marble Hornets is not actually done yet. I get distracted easily.

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