Monday, September 10, 2012

I am not a film buff. Yet.

You know that feeling you get when you're in this class where everything is so damn interesting, and yet... you know nothing? I was once in a math seminar when I was about 13, and the teacher was 16 and talking about calculations that looked like hieroglyphics. I told them I was sick and went home after he handed out a sheet of paper to work on silently for 30 minutes. Gives me nightmares.

I almost expected my film studies class to be like that, only without the triangles and random Greek letters. Thank the good Lord in heaven it's not like that at all. The teacher is awesome, we're watching The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing, and I'm actually learning stuff. Congratulations school-that-I-will-not-name, you actually know who to hire sometimes. I have a feeling some of my peers who recently dropped the class were thinking it was a free period with free movies on the side. No.........

Last thing: Black Swan. Ughhhhhh gives me the creeps when I think about it. Natalie Portman's acting was actually pretty awesome, but maybe it's just because I'm comparing this with her performance in Star Wars... I most definitely enjoyed the filmography throughout. Thank you, Darren Aronofsky. Back to the Swan Queen. When we discussed it in class, a shiver ran down my spine when someone mentioned the clip where she rips off a huge hunk of skin from her hand. Get. This. Mental. Image. Out. Of. My. Brain. I should also mention I had flashbacks to The Matrix when her toes stick together...

Movie directors are messed up. Maybe if I want to be one someday I should go live in a prison for a while or something. And why is it that most of these awesome movies give you nightmares anyway? I think I'll just go watch The Sound of Music again...

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