Friday, September 21, 2012

The Art of Scary

I'm really not a big fan of horror movies. I've refused to watch even the trailers to the Paranormal Activity movies, or else you'll be talking to Ms. Dark-Circles-Under-The-Eyes for the next week. So why did I start watching the YouTube series Marble Hornets? And why am I still watching it? Ask me again when I've regained my common sense...

A friend introduced me to the web series, which I thought was going to be something completely different from the context of the conversation we were having. I was a little scared... But definitely not at all prepared for what I was about to "witness." After watching a few entries, I had to stop unless I wanted to die of adrenaline overload. Pause. Breathe. Research time. (Also I punched my friend in the arm for introducing this to me. Worst/best/creepiest/scariest recommendation ever)

Ever heard of the "Slender Man"? Maybe not. How about you Buffy fans out there- you remember that episode "Hush" right? Yeah... Everyone remembers that episode. The one where the Gentlemen take the voices of the town and stab a bunch of people to eat their hearts or something. Then there's lots of slaying, green goop flying, then romantic tension... I won't give too much away. Anyway. The Gentlemen.

The Gentlemen were supposedly based off of a fictional character called the "Slender Man" or the "Tall Man," along with a long list of other names. Different variations of his appearance include multiple waving arms, extreme height, no face, and a business suit. Suuuuuuuuper creepy. Like more creepy than the Gentlemen... Uh oh, looks like I offended him-

Having nightmares yet? Just remember I just told you the Slender Man is MORE CREEPY THAN THAT. There is simply something so disquieting about having no face... And at least we know that the Gentlemen like eating hearts... What does the Slender Man do? WHO KNOWS. Actually... That's what Marble Hornets is all about.

Just watch it. Giving too much away definitely makes things less scary... Oh God I'm being distracted from the constant movement two inches above this sentence... Ahhhh where was I. Yeah watch it. Unless you think you'll pee your pants. Please do not let me be the cause of your seat-wetting.

Fifty-eight entries watched... Five to go. If I don't make another blog entry in a couple of weeks you'll know I've had a heart attack. Just the other night I walked downstairs in my own house and almost screamed when my dad suddenly appeared from around the corner. "OH GOD IT'S THE SLENDER MA- Oh, hi dad..."

I should also mention that as I was writing this post, I had a flashback to a dream I most definitely had. All I remember is I feel trapped in this random room with this woman who used to work for my dad at the office. We're sitting there feeling scared when we start talking about what we're hiding from. It's a faceless, tall man. THE SLENDER MAN. SWEET MOTHER OF...

But just remember, if you start watching this and it's freaking the bejesus out of you, there is always this helpful little video to remind you that monsters aren't real, aliens are not going out of their way to abduct everyone, and you can't actually go to Hogwarts. Also it made me crack up, so maybe you'll just watch it anyway:

As a last little note here, I find it a happy coincidence that I started watching this as I'm studying film in school. The way that the entire show... Film... Whatever it is... Is actually very well done. Since it's all "candid," it doesn't really seem like it's very well-planned at first, but rest assured it actually does take some skill to make the audience (us) pee our pants with fear. Kudos to you, the mysterious and elusive creators of Marble Hornets, the scariest thing I am willing to watch. I take the kudos back if I do in fact die of a heart attack after finishing the latest entry.

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