Thursday, June 13, 2013

Damn it, I'm an adult.

First, as promised...

Double rainbow all across the sky-y-y!!

Acid unicorn. On steroids. Oh my god.


Also, in case you were wondering, this apparently exists.

I don't see how this kind of advertising would help...

I'm going to ruin the moment now. Apparently I have issues with authorities and rules. Apparently.

Here in the US, we have that silly little law stating that you are not an adult until you are 18, and you can't earn money online unless you're an adult. I suppose this is a reasonable law considering the government probably doesn't want ten-year-olds selling avalanches of their old matchbox cars and photos signed by Justin Bieber, but lately it's been pissing me off. I've been thinking of all the ways I can possibly save (and spend) a little money before I head off to college, but it turns out that saving part can be difficult, especially since I tend to have gaping holes in my pockets. Darn it, I shouldn't have spent that $1092019 on Unicorn Farts; what was I thinking?? 

If I were 18, I would be able to make money selling old crap on eBay and Amazon, I could write articles for Yahoo as a freelance writer, hell I could even make like five cents a month on this little blog with AdSense. But damn it, I'm 17 so I am an invalid working three jobs over the summer so I don't starve in college. Ok. That was a slight exaggeration since I'm probably going to eat a truckload of food in college, but regardless, that's a lot of money that I could have earned. 

There is that option of mooching off of my parents' accounts, but for all of you out there considering doing any kind of joint account with an adult, just know that it is a total pain in the ass and it takes up way too much of your valuable time, not to mention the transfer of money can become confusing with all of the online payment methods and gimmicks out there. I say this from experience; last year I made a Kickstarter account with a friend of mine to fund a project, and though it sounded so simple at first, when the money started changing hands it was a temporary nightmare and for a few minutes I thought I lost about $2,000. Not good not good not good. 

There are so many solutions out there... Or so it seems. Can't sell things online? Sell them in the real world! All you need to do is just sit at a second-hand clothing shop and watch three people sort through all of your perfectly good slightly used clothing, only to find that they took two out of the twenty items you brought! The best part about this story is how I trudged home with my bag full of new-looking t-shirts that they didn't take when I had just seen a whole rack-full of hideous unwearable clothing. Honest to goodness, I found a cami with shoulder straps so long I could wear a shirt over it and make it look like a skirt. does one even...

No, Early, it really doesn't.

On a happier note, less than twelve more hours until I see opening night of Man of Steel! I is exciteddd. I'll review that, then consider mentioning my mixed opinions about V for Vendetta. Got a movie you want me to review? Mention it in the comments! If you're awesome and check this blog out often and somehow like it, click that awesome little button on the right... The one under "There are no members yet" that says "Be the first!"... I'm worse at advertising than the guy selling Unicorn Farts.

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