Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Filmmaker's Block

When I was little, I used to wish that I had the ability to grow wings and fly. Either that or have sweet robot-making skills so I could make an army of slaves to do my bidding. I was a strange child.

I guess I've become more practical, because over the years my one wish has become pretty reasonable (to me, anyway). What if I could just survive without sleep? Forever? First of all, my room would be twice as big without any need for a bed. Maybe I could get one of those bowl-shaped chairs and pile my embarrassingly large amount of stuffed animals on it and just cuddle if I was feeling lazy. Second of all, I would actually be productive once in a while. Tonight is just like any other- here I am, it's pretty much midnight, and I've finally mustered the motivation and energy to actually do something. Like editing film. ...Wait what? What is this homework you speak of? Isn't that what lunch periods are for? 

Anyways. Did I mention I'm making a movie? Whoops maybe not. In case you were wondering, you are currently reading the blog of Siena the strange (and senile sometimes), amateur director, screenplay writer, and editor. Not to brag or anything, but I'm also a professional procrastinator. 

Random thought of the day: This is my face when I tried using the "video stabilization effect" from Sony Vegas today-

Voldemort and I also share similarly shaped noses. We're practically siblings.

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