Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Host

Since I obsessed about the trailer to The Host earlier in this blog, I figured I should probably tell y'all what I thought of it.

First of all, I'd like to note that I really don't like awkward silences. Watching the Twilight movies made me cringe mostly because of the general lack of dialogue. In real life, I tend to make sure there are no silences in my life. Period. It's pretty terrible when I start filling silences which are not at all awkward with word vomit. Sometimes I even make up words like I'm doing scat or something. Skidilee dooo dat. Aweroh. Eewef. Fgie.

I feel like there's so much that happens within the silences that happen in the movies based off of Stephenie Meyer's books (or at least there should be), but none of the directors know how to implement those happenings, so they just leave it as awkward silence. There is a timing in many movies that can make silences suspenseful, scary, sad, and a whole lot of other "s" words. Awkward does not start with an "s," so clearly, there is a problem here. This was just about the only thing that bugged me throughout The Host.

I lied. Do you remember that ad for the Superbowl this year for You know, the really uncomfortable one where "beauty meets brains," where all you can hear and see are two people making out. Lovely. Now get a room. Same kind of feel here in the movie, though to a much much much lesser degree. There are ways of making love seem romantic without constant make-out sessions. Just saying. Now to happy stuff!

The cool concepts, the action scenes, and the well-shot scenery definitely made this movie worth watching. I think us movie-goers take scenery shots for granted nowadays since they're much more easily accessible with the technology available (and green screens allow us to be anywhere from underground to outer space), but there are ways of shooting (or digitally creating) scenery that do not make them visually pleasing, so kudos for the camera crew of The Host for making a desert look cool.

I'm conflicted over how I feel about the acting. It was good... But not great. I always feel like I have to respect actors who do their own stunts, and Saoirse Ronan did a very nice job with hers, as per usual. I think this was a good movie for her in terms of showing more emotion, but I guess that's because the only other movie I've watched with her in it was The Lovely Bones, where she's kind of... dead. Dat accent though. They should've just rewritten the character to have an Irish accent. Oh well; both she and Max Irons had very nice American accents. Go 'murica.

Overall, The Host was preeeeetty good. Not my favorite, but it was just about as good as I expected it to be. I might've cried a little... Psh I cry during every movie who am I kidding. I even cried during the Hannah Montana movie, although that was because a fly had flown straight into my eye. Flying as fast as he could away from the screen I'm guessing. I almost forgive the little guy. That reminds me of that time when I was biking and a huge house fly got jammed inside of my eye socket and started whizzing around. It was like a freaking horror movie where flies start possessing people and shit. I was mostly crying out of panic. That was a really weird tangent. Anyway, watch The Host, don't watch horror movies, and avoid those big-ass flies. Or do whatever you want. It's pretty much my new motto anyway.

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