Sunday, November 4, 2012

Writing vs. Acting

Have you ever watched a movie thinking that the actors were being awkward? You're probably right. It's called bad acting. What I used to do is notice the awkwardness, disregard everything else, then give it a low rating on IMDb. But that's not all there is to a movie or TV show, is it?

How many of you watched Snow White and the Huntsman to get a good laugh out of awkward acting? I know I did. After coming across the trailer again, though, I noticed something-- is there some reason everyone is so angry? I mean, I get that everything is supposed to be more intense, but I can't help but imagine the director running around like a madman on set, telling the actors to be way more angry than they should be.

That time of the month again?

I didn't actually dislike the movie itself. The plot was good, the effects were awesome, but the acting just made me chuckle (I don't think the rest of the theater really minded). 

What truly bothers me is when a movie has it the other way around. The example I give is a TV show, but my point still stands. When I first started watching Kyle XY, I knew none of the actors in it. It was recommended to me with the promise that the plot was awesome, and it was. I might have mentioned this before-- Julie Plec is AWESOME. Her ability to make three-dimensional characters and put them into addictive television shows never ceases to amaze me, but I digress...

Kyle XY had some very good actors in it. I still can't pronounce the name Marguerite MacIntyre, but the great acting job she does in both Kyle XY and The Vampire Diaries kind of makes me wonder why she isn't in more than a couple of crime show episodes (thank goodness she's in The Vampire Diaries). The rest of them, though... I can't stand Amanda. I'll give Kirsten Prout the benefit of the doubt and hope that she doesn't actually always pout. Because that's not what acting's about. 

Time to go out...side and get some fresh air. I'll stop now.

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