Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Change of Heart

No, this is not the title of a movie that I watched (although there's apparently a comedy coming this year by that name). This is me saying goodbye to this blog.

Wait, what?

Yes I know it's a bit of a turn-around from me a few weeks ago when I said I would be writing every week, but it turns out I've pretty much lost interest in reviewing all of these movies, and kidding myself and telling myself to write new ones every week will eventually just bore you as I become more and more disinterested with what I'm writing. No bueno. So yes, I am actually saying goodbye, though I may keep writing once in a while if I'm dying to say something about a movie. This certainly won't be once a week.

Confession: I had no direction when I started this blog, but all I knew was that blogs about an average teenager's life and blogs about every random thing are usually pretty unsuccessful, so I focused on movie reviews to give it direction. The reality is, what I really like writing is fiction, so I'll be doing just that -- in a different blog. I will be writing a collection of short stories in a blog format. I honestly have no idea if this will work yet, but I'm pretty excited. I'll provide a link as soon as it's made.

I apologize to all my loyal fans (hi Mom and Dad).

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