Sunday, July 28, 2013

Inspirational People

I think we all like to think that there are truly inspirational people out there; people who wholeheartedly care for others, who show unfailing kindness through both their words and their deeds. I was blessed to have known my grandmother, who was that inspirational figure for so many family members and friends. For all intents and purposes, she is a saint in my mind.

To give you some context, my grandmother was the mother of thirteen children, whom she raised and home schooled on a dairy farm. As if this doesn't already sound like an impossible task, she also managed to stay happy and healthy as she welcomed friends, husbands, wives, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to her home throughout the rest of her life. I suppose I can even thank her for my very existence; it's because of her that my parents met. When I was little, my dad would tell me "Farm Stories," and my favorite was always when my dad and a few of his brothers would sneak off in the middle of reading something since their mother had nodded off, probably to go sit in the cherry tree and eat until they felt sick. It's simply so classic and American and I love it.

I don't know whether or not it makes me a terrible person to get my ideas about heaven from a TV show, but it does give the place a nice impression. In Buffy, there's an episode when she comes back from the dead and discusses what heaven was like. She recalls it being a place where she was completely content and at peace, and she knew that all of her friends and family were safe and loved. There are a lot of ideas about what heaven is like, but this is by far my favorite.

Rest in peace, Granny. You will always be my inspiration.

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