Saturday, December 22, 2012

Craaaazy People

Merry Christmahanukwanza everyone!! I can already hear the distinct melodies of Christmas carols playing... Oh wait, that's the TV downstairs... Oh wait, they've been playing Christmas carols everywhere since before Thanksgiving...

Yesterday, I spent the last hour of the awkward-there-was-no-apocalypse-day sitting in front of the TV. I wasn't even planning on watching any television since I'm technically supposed to be hustling to get all of those college applications in, but I ran downstairs in a hurry when my dad rushed up to the stairs and demanded I come at once. Usually when he does this, it's because I left the water on the stove too long and the house is about to burn down and he needs to remind me once again that unintentionally almost burning the house down is not really a good thing.

I was pretty relieved when I found out that I didn't set anything on fire. Instead, there was just Charlie Rose, interviewing Quentin Tarantino about his new movie Django Unchained. The next hour consisted of Charlie Rose, the ever-jittery Tarantino, and my eyes glued to the screen. I even refused a Klondike so I didn't miss anything that they were saying, and I would make a joke about how it's clearly a sign of the apocalypse, but... (On a completely different topic, I just visited the Klondike website. If you're extremely bored and want to watch ice cream bars being destroyed by wood chippers and baseball bats in slow motion, click on this link: Klondike Craziness)

Quentin Tarantino is the only man I have ever been able to watch being interviewed for an entire hour without being bored. And I just realized right now that there were no ads. Not only is he immensely entertaining to watch because of his boundless energy; he speaks intelligently and articulately. It's probably every interviewer's dream (if they're interested in film) to have a chat with Mr. Tarantino, because if he gets going on a topic, he'll just keep talking about it until he's stopped. With certain people, this can be a bad thing, since topics begin to mush together and certain things are repeated ad nauseam, but everything in this interview was something new and exciting. Perhaps I have a little bit of bias, though, since I always get excited whenever a successful person talks about the hours and hours they spend writing and thinking. Oh. And watch this: Julie Plec Interview

I tried to find a link for you guys, but I guess it's a bit too soon. It'll pop up on YouTube eventually, and when it does, I'll both provide a link and demand that you click on it. Think of it as my Christmas present to you :)

There's screaming coming from the TV downstairs and my family is laughing hysterically... I think I'll go downstairs now. Happy holidays everyone!

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