Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Attack on Titan

What's up guys, it's been a while. I also don't know whether or not I should refer to my audience as plural anymore, because who reads this? The world may never know. (Just kidding I can see how many views I get per day huehuehue)

So I haven't really posted anything simply because I've been too caught up doing real life things to watch much TV or see any movies... Which is weird because before coming to college I totally had the impression that I would have all of this glorious free time when I could just do whatever I want. Alas, I am a slave to procrastination... and the game 2048.

God bless Easter break, though (I'm sure He does), because I've been able to get back into some Netflix binging. Now I usually avoid anime (except for any movie made by Hayao Miyazaki), but a few of my friends insisted that I watch this series called Attack on Titan. It was either that or a horror movie, so I was definitely in favor of the anime.

Turns out, it's not a bad show at all. I'm usually turned off by all of the exaggerated reactions and unrealistic plots of anime shows, but Attack on Titan is a completely different style and atypical type of anime that seriously got my blood pumping. I'll warn you, folks, this show is a heart-wrenching tale of woe; if you're a masochist and watch other shows (or read other books) like Game of Thrones, then this is the show for you. God, I love Game of Thrones.

So the plot revolves around these three main characters: Eren, his adoptive sister (and kinda bride-to-be) Mikasa, and Armin. These characters live in a dystopia during what looks like the Middle Ages, and they live a rather humble lifestyle. They live within the confines of a giant wall, however, keeping their world apart from that of the outside, which is crawling with gigantic beings called Titans that can be up to 60 feet tall and have the single terrifying objective of eating humans. They also look like lumpy baby-like men. While this is mostly terrifying, it sometimes amuses me. Then they start eating people and it gets awkward.

Eren Jäger (or Yeager) is a strong-willed character who wants to be the most able soldier in the military to kill all of the titans and avenge the death of his mother, which is gruesomely shown in the very first episode. Mikasa Ackerman is basically the silent but deadly badass who constantly keeps Eren out of trouble when he is unable to be level-headed (which is 99% of the time). She also happens to be the only human left with Asian ethnicity (she's a halfie like me!), which the show doesn't explain to any kind of satisfying extent (yet). Last but not least is Armin, who is the brains of the group. While watching the show I actually got annoyed at a friend who could not stop talking about how useless he is. I happen to value wits, and so do the characters on the show who miraculously live through at least a few episodes because of those wits. As a rule, you should definitely always appreciate people who save your life.

Within the first few episodes, the show even pulled a Red Wedding on me, only without the wedding since no one has time for frivolous things like that in a world where people are too busy avoiding being eaten. This show is literally just very depressing. I swear I'm not a masochist. I am a very happy person... who just likes watching unhappy shows.

Fortunately, this show is not only depressing but also very intriguing.The character development is fantastic, though for reasons I can't say lest I spoil all of the fun... Though I will say that each character is pushed to their limits, and I'm not even talking about just the main three characters. The minor characters are just as real as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, who sometimes have even more complex characterizations than the main trio, which is as refreshing as it is painful because you must know that they have a 75% chance of dying a miserable, quick, and undignified death.

The realism in this show also annoys the hell out of me, but in the best way possible. I'll give you one example without spoiling too much since I've already mentioned how everyone just dies all over the place: There's a scene where titans are chasing after a tired group of soldiers carrying back the bodies of the dead. These guys are super fast and they're hungry for human flesh, so rather than being heroes and simply magicking their way back home with the bodies safe and sound, they very purposefully dump the bodies of some of the most elite soldiers in order to save their own lives, having some serious psychological effects on the soldiers who were expecting to give their friends a proper burial. It's just things like this which make every moment of this show all the more painful and all the more glorious.

Have I mentioned I'm not a masochist yet? Good. Ok. So what are you still doing here? Go watch the show!

Just kidding, I'd also like to take this opportunity to mention that this blog, while it used to be a mish-mash of very random things, will basically consist of reviews of shows and movies and various other media now. If I've got something urgent on my mind that I think the world should know then I'll spill it, but usually my urgent thoughts are about TV shows and movies anyway.

If you have a movie or show suggestion, please leave a comment below! I will watch ANYTHING YOU SUGGEST (within reason) and I will review it, whether I like it or not. Hopefully this will provoke some more controversial comments out of me since so far I've basically liked everything I've reviewed. Things that do not count as being within reason: Barney, Justin Bieber music videos, porn. That escalated quickly. Have a nice day, folks.